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•   Ed Barrett  7/6
•   Fran Dunn (Pack)  6/17
•   Gary R Kaiser  6/5
•   Mary Kapp (Rutan)  5/1
•   Stephen Kistler  4/1
•   Gary Hodenius  2/11
•   Thom Jennings  11/7
•   Christine Houston (Matejka)  10/20
•   Thomas Waltimire  10/8
•   David Cook  9/15
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Welcome Elmira Southside High School Class Of 1970

SHS Class of 70 Turns 70 Reunion
September 17, 2022


The Reunion was a smashing success!

I have finally had time to upload a few pictures taken during the reunion dinner and some of the other events.  Prior to the dinner a photographer took pictures of all the classmates and spouses.  Those pictures have been added to each classmate's profile.

The glasses from the dinner were such a hit all the extras were sold almost immediately.  But fear not Bill Knapp ordered another 72 and will be sold on first come-first served basis.  Glasses are $5 each plus shipping charges.  They may be picked up directly from Bill without the extra charge.  This is an excellent venue to put some money back in the class treasury.  By the way, these glasses are not class of 70 specific or tied to our reunion so they are available to any member of the Southside High School Family.  Once a Hornet, Always a Hornet!!! 

A big thank you to all who made up the Reunion Committee and put the plans in motion

The 50+2 Reunion Committee members were:

  • Bill Knapp
  • Becky Palmer Vegard
  • Sally Belin MacNeal
  • Karen Cicora Barnes
  • Theresa Liberatore Cunningham
  • Joan Rose Crain
  • Joyce Rose Coots
  • Scott Poley, our emcee for the dinner

Want to help with the next gathering?   There's always room for people with good organizational skills that want to help.  Attend a luncheon to find out more.  

Find us on Facebook at SHS Class of 1970 and a second page at Elmira Southside High School 1970

Event information:



  1. If you closed an email account and no longer have access to it, you'll miss announcements from this web site.  It will also be confusing as to why you can't log in.  Keep in mind if you are changing email addresses also update your profile on this web site. Until you do, the old email address will work as your login ID.  Of course if you've forgotten your password, I can also change it so you can regain access.  I can't see your password but I can change it so you can log in and then you'll be required to change it to something new. 
  2. If you have knowledge of any of our classmates that have passed, please share that information with Cherie.  She updates that section of the web site and any information you have especially the obituary is much appreciated. 
  3. And a big welcome to all the classmates that have recently found this site and logged in.  
  4. Use the "Contact Us" link in the navigation bar on the left to leave a note, suggestions or complaints for Thom Jennings, concerning web site admin. 


Updated: October 22, 2022